Since my child attended this school he has progressed really well in all subjects. The school has helped push my child to his full potential and I thank the school for putting him through level 6 in his SATS as he passed and with the great knowledge gained during his time at this school he was offered a scholorship at his new secondary school. Excellent standard of teaching, good behaviour and lovely staff.
Other poor primary school in England Depressive staffs and management. Better looking other option for your kids . Rubbish food .... children with stomach problems also Lice breeding. After changing schools to my children. Never have had stomach problems or head lice. Decide your own conclusions.
No good school, the manager friends access to school as if it were your own home food in poor condition,my son does not want to eat at school. Fruit impossible to sell, stained and shabby. They buy food, of very low quality, probably to save money and other things. ill-considered